Top 5 places to visit in Italy with pets



Having a pet can be quite a relaxing and fun experience. However travelling with one needs adequate planning and change of plans accordingly. Some places welcome pets and some are averse to them. Thankfully Italy is on such nation which supports the travel of you furry companion. There are a lot of friendly places for the pets, where the owner can just leave the pets and enjoy some shopping or have a bite at the famous Italian fast food. Here are the top 5 places where your dog can accompany you in Italy

  1. Pineta beach


Pineta beach is one of the top dog friendly places in the whole of Italy. Located on the eastern coast of Porto Recanati, this quiet beach side town welcomes the four legged animal. The beach is equipped with a large play area for the dogs, sunbeds and many umbrellas. During the winter time, the warm rays of sun are exceptional and there is fun for both yourself and the dog. Plastic waste disposable bags are provided to every owner with the dog. There are also numerous restaurants serving Italian fast foods, with Sonic restaurant being one of the best. Dog bowls are offered at most restaurants and at the beach.

  1. Villa reale Park

Villa Reale Luccadsc_4837

The Villa reale park is a glamorous property at the center of tuscanny. The 16 hectare park is landscaped in the most beautiful way to enthral anyone visiting it. There are ponds, pools, lush green lawns , some stunning architecture and the best part about the magnificent park is that it is a pet friendly park. The owners can keep their little companions with them at all times. The architecture includes some very beautiful buildings like the Royal villa, the clock house, twin houses, the water theatre and also a swimming pool. It is a must visit place, keeping in view that it allows dogs.

  1. Six legs walking tour of Florence


The tour includes a walk around of the famous town of Florence along with your pet. It is a very enriching tour with licensed guides guiding you throughout the city of Florence. There is also a wine tasting experience which stays in your memory for a long time. The beautiful sunset in the evening is something which should not be missed at any cost. There are various places to have your meal and for your dog as well. The Italian fast food giant Sonic restaurants offer a wide variety of options for you to dwell into.

  1. La Prora beach village


The La prora beach village is a quiet beachside town with some great wining and dining options. The beach of La prora is excellent with itā€™s white sand and cool waters. Dogs are welcome to the beach with no restrictions applied. There is also the local handmade items and local handicraft shopping activity. Just stroll alongside the town with your dog and immerse in the beauty of the wonderful town. The wine options include some very nice Italian and French wines, whereas the cuisines include Mediterranean, Italian, continental choices.

  1. Pompeii tours


The Pompeii tours in the city of Naples offers some very exotic tours of the city on land, water and air. It is pet friendly and allows dogs in the tours. Enjoy the Chapel museum, Gesu nuovu square, the famous Amalfi coast, the Positano and places alike in this tour. The specialty of this tour includes a helicopter ride with your dog! Immerse in some great shopping experience at the Amalfi coast, just stroll around the magnificent city of Naples, enjoy some of the finest wines or relax at the pristine clear water beach with the Pompeii tours ensuring a great experience for you and your pet as well!



The pet friendly places mentioned above are a must visit with your dog where the pet can enjoy some very nice walks and activities and you can dwell in some cheesy Italian fast food or the magnificent wines. The shopping is not to be missed either!!

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