There have been many construction companies, real estate giants and conglomerates across the globe. But there is one such group which stands out of the crowd, THE DAMAC Group. Not just the luxury and the superior quality service, it's ultra glamorous campaign and offers are the one's which catch the eye of the customers and …

Engineering marvel 2- The Panama Canal

Overview: Hailed as one of the greatest feats of engineering, the Panama Canal serves as the joining water bridge for the Pacific and the Atlantic ocean. The Panama canal cuts down a 4 week trek all the way around south america or roughly 12000 km to just about 10 hrs. The canal is regarded as …

Engineering Marvels 1 – The KANSAI Airport

Overview: The world's best airport  for luggage delivery , Best Airport in Asia (6th), World's Cleanest Airport (9th), World's Best Immigration Services (10th), World's best dining experience (6th) and World's best security (6th). In addition, the airport is ranked second in the category "Best airport 20-30 million passengers. All these accolades belong to the airport …