
Some cars are known for their speed, some for their luxury. These cars stay in the mind for some time and later on when we see another car we tend to think about those. But there are few cars which will turn your head, drop your call, leave your book, gulp up the water because these cars don’t give a damn about competition with others which sets them apart . Yes , the  classic CADILLAC DEVILLE  a 1966 model is one such car.


The looks of the car…..Stunning. Absolutely. A 6 metre long car with curves sharper than an F1 car.The bonnet itself is bigger than an auto. The headlights and the tail lights look as if they can continue a bit more.The front lamps actually look like shells to be fired from a canon. The most interesting part of the bonnet is the grill.And no, it is not a smooth straight line grill with the company symbol on it……it is a most uniquely styled grill with the centre part protruding out…..with the cadillac symbol above it…….this car means business…..!!!!!!!1966-cadillac-deville-convertible-classic-red-and-white-color-combo-5.jpg

The rear of the car is massive…..simply massive.And what’s more beautiful is the tail lights. Placed in a sharp coned shell , they look simply awesome. And what’s astonishing is the use of chrome so elegantly and neatly.The rear part of the cadiilac is so massive , a person can sleep in comfortably ……and peacefully too cause’ no one dares to mess witha car with as menacing and sharp looks as the cadillac deville. What makes the Deville so special is that the rear part hides the wheel so gracefully…….you can just keep staring at it.


There is no conventional need to describe space in this car. It would be like worrying about space in a football field with no one around. The interior is so roomy and airy , one can be easily confused if they are in their living room or in the car. The steering is a three spoke steering and a big one with no glitchy buttons to fiddle about.Actually sitting in this car makes you feel like a boss more, than sitting in an SUV does.DSC_0573-589x390.jpg

This particular Cadillac boasts of an engine that would put many sports cars like the Lamborghinis and the Ferraris to shame. powered by a 7.0 liter V8 engine this car is no less than a rocket. 340 HP and 650 Nm of torque. Need I say more about this 2-tonne beast………!!!!!!



Mr Tariq…..The owner of this beautiful Cadillac. He is one of the coolest and the most wonderful persons I have ever met in my life. An absolute gentleman. A gem of a person. He left his dinner midway to let me sit in his car. I just can’t thank you enough Mr Tariq. You responded so nicely and sweetly when I asked for a photo . And I not only got a photo but also a chance to sit in the car alongside one of the best-est  persons, one of the most cheerful persons I have ever come across.Many people can make others happy…..but you are ONE-IN-A-BILLION  soul to make someone feel special . A wonderful gifted soul. 

Mr Tariq…….a big big thanks for being so awesome…….and by the way YOU HAVE GOT A BILLION DOLLAR SMILE…….!!!!!!!


4 Replies to “1966 CADILLAC DEVILLE”

  1. I’m an old school mechanic and collision guy (retired) and worked on these cars when they ruled the roads, 3 guys and a floor jack to remove the front bumper !! People are dieing in car crashes cause they’re made out of shit! Put airbags in an old caddy and smash headon into a new one, see who walks away !! Old school wins !!


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